Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 18

Damia's Development

Aku amik ni daripada newsletter yang aku subscribe, saja nak share update pasal Little Damia..hehe

Can your baby do this..
Wow! Your baby is now 3.5 months (14 weeks) old.

By now your baby should:
• Lift head up to 90 degrees while lying on stomach .......... dah boleh dah. cumanya kekadang Damia mcm xlarat lagi nak meniarap lama-lama
• Be able to open and close his fingers and bring both hands together .......... dah boleh jugak..
• Smile when around people .......... memang pun..
• Babble, coo and make facial expressions with greater frequency .......... boleh..tapi yang facial expressions tu ku xberapa perasanlah..hihi
• Be able to change positions more often .......... betul, betul, betul..sekejap jer kepala dia dah jauh dari bantal..
• Enjoy playing games like pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo .......... aku tengok..dia enjoy jek main dengan Tina The Tiger dia tu..

By now your baby probably will:
• Enjoy playing with his fingers .......... memang enjoy sungguh..sampai basah-basah baju kena air liur dia yang meleleh-leleh
• Put most things into her mouth .......... ni pun betul..kekadang baju aku pun dia makan bila aku dukung dia..
• Stare at strangers with fascination .......... hmm..xsurelah
• Be able to follow an object held about 15 cm away from face and moved 180 degrees, from one side to the other .......... dah boleh..
• Recognize certain smells and show disdain for some of them .......... ni pun aku xsure gak
• Practise swimming movements when lying on his tummy .......... yang aku perasan, Damia ni walaupun meniarap pun dia xterer lagi..tapi once dia meniarap, asyik angkat punggung jer..
• Enjoy more vigorous play such as bouncing up and down .......... hmm..xtaulah
• Show signs of emotional attachment to you .......... pun xberapa clear..yang aku perasan, dia happy jer kalau aku yang dok main dgn dia..

By now your baby may even:
• Bear some weight on legs when held standing ......... badan Damia memang kuat..kalau kita dirikan dia, memang dari dulu dia bleh tampung berat dia..dgn sokonganlah of course
• Turn head in direction of voice, especially mother's voice .......... dah boleh, tapi kekadang aje kalau aku panggil dia toleh.
• Make a wet razzing sound .......... dah boleh kot, cuma xberapa obvious lagi
• Examine objects for a long time
• Sit up if held .......... yang ni..agaknyalah. yang pasti Damia suka angkat kepala kalau dalam position baring..xsabar-sabar betul
• Press her feet flat on the floor or your lap when held in standing position .......... xterer lagik..
• Show preference for some people within your circle of friends and relatives .......... blumlah rasanya..dengan sapa-sapa dia ok jer lagi

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